Monday, October 25, 2010

8085 Simulator

System requirements
Operating system : Windows XP , Windows Vista, Windows 7 32 and 64 bit editions
Minimum Screen resolution: 1024x768
Windows installer : 4.5 (Included with the package)
.net frame work : 2.0 SP2 (Included with the package)
Licence :Freeware free to download copy use and distribute
Installation Notes
The 8085 simulator is developed with Microsoft visual studio 2010.Since it requires .net framework 2.0 SP2 version installed on your system, if your system does not contain that version the corresponding version will be installed before the installation of 8085 Simulator installation starts. For Windows XP installation requires 10 minutes and for Windows 7 and Vista it requires 2 minutes to complete installation. Download attached file according to your operating system.
I try to avoid maximum errors as possible. Nearly 30 programs are tested and executed successfully. If you find any problem during installation or in the software please contact me through e-mail or mobile.
Note: Some programs like interfacing programs and interrupt programs don’t work correctly on the simulator. The instructions that are not defined on the simulator are listed on the readme file. A video guide is provided with an example.
Ph. :9400771075

Download link :

1 comment:

  1. Rapidshare link:
